miércoles, 17 de julio de 2019


Trainer: Betty Aggeletaki
This means seeking information by questioning. Individuals inquiry from the day they are born until they die. Questions generate answers! We should make students ask questions. The power of IBL is that students develop ideas by questioning. And subjects should interrelate. We shold try to go beyond our syllabus and teach EMOTIONAL EDUCATION in a cross curricular way.
You will understand it better if you watch this video and read the slides below:

Betty made us work in pairs looking for the answer to these question: What does respect mean to you? What does it mean to you to show respect and to be respected? We stopped to think and express what respect means to us and then we shared our opinions and took part in a discussion. We learnt IBL from practice. And it really worked.

We want to quote Betty one more time: "Accept that teaching is a learning experience"
We want to finish this post with words in music. One of the most touching songs by Aretha Frankin: RESPECT

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